Forty-eight hours have passed since we all learned the
shocking outcome of the presidential race. How can those of us who voted for Hillary
Clinton (or who were at least so against Donald Trump that they refused to
vote) stomach the election of a racist, misogynist, spoiled Wall Street brat to
the highest office? More importantly, how could half of the electorate
consciously vote such a divisive figure into office? Has the world (well, at
least half of the American voting public) gone mad? Perhaps even more
surprising than the event itself was the phenomenal outpouring of grief, rage,
sadness and despair on my FB timeline, comparable to what I would imagine the
reaction would have been (had Facebook been around) in November 1963 or
September 2001.
As the initial shock wore off, another reality appeared: the
pure hatred and vitriol on my timeline, aimed at all of those “racist
misogynist xenophobes” who voted for Trump. In fact, the general tone was even
more divisive than many of the comments made by the Donald himself. Is this
really true? Do we truly believe that there are 60,068,599 racist misogynists
(as of this writing – source: living in our country? Or that 42% of
women voted purely against their own self-interest? I refuse to believe so. Could
it be true that many of these are common, decent people who simply voted for
change, or voted for Trump only because they couldn’t/wouldn’t vote for
Clinton? How many of you voted for Clinton because you couldn’t/wouldn’t vote
for Trump? I know I did. The fact that the race was so close (in fact, again as
of this writing, Clinton has 400,000 more votes than Trump, tighter than the
2000 election) means that we have a truly divided nation.
Many (me included) had an additional reaction: let’s
separate the “sane” coasts from the backward, reactionary “fly-over” states who
overwhelmingly voted red on Tuesday. I even entertained the crazy notion of a
large North American inverted “U”: west coast states + Canada + eastern seaboard (sorry
Canadian friends to assume that any of you would even consider such an invasion
from the south). So I took a brief look at the numbers. On Tuesday, 20 states +
the District of Columbia voted for Clinton, and 30 voted for Trump (Michigan is
still up for grabs, but I’m counting it as a “blue” win given’s Clinton lead by
12,000 votes as of this writing). The blue states represent 52% of GDP, and red
states 48%. So, if we really divided the country into blue and red, our ability
to project power around the world (or to advance democracy, liberal values and
environmental protection/climate control) would be halved.
At the same time, red states represent 54% of the total
population, and blue states 46% (all population (2015 estimate) and GDP figures
(2015 actual) are from
Dividing these numbers, the average GDP per capita for red
states is 23% lower than that of the
blue states ($64,843 vs. $50,028). So clearly, we have an economic divide, and
not just social. In addition, those of you glued to CNN like I was early
Wednesday morning could see John King click on red county after red county in
the suburban/rural parts of swing states, and blue counties around metropolitan
centers such as Philadelphia, Pittsburg and Madison.
Looking further, I went back to my timeline, and tried to
see how many alternative views I had (people who are happy about the outcome); I
found fewer than five (out of several hundred friends). Here comes the other “external”
factor in this election – the power of the Facebook selection algorithm. When
the expression of common views was limited to/focused on radio talk shows or
extremist (on either side of the spectrum) web sites, people on each side of
this divide found comfort in strangers with common views. Facebook’s
selection algorithm makes sure that each of us is seeing what FB thinks we want to see, further
strengthened by the fact that what we are reading or watching was either
created or shared by people we know (as opposed to radio talk-show callers or
comments by strangers on websites). This reinforces our belief that anyone who
matters thinks the way we do, as opposed to those crazies who think otherwise.
Is this truly the behavior each of us wants to exhibit? We accuse Trump
followers of demonizing “others” – aren’t we doing the same?
I watched neither Trump’s acceptance, nor Hillary’s
concession speeches. I did, however, watch President Obama’s speech, and he
once again displayed all of the character of the strength of his presidency,
and of the resilience of our democracy. Because think what you will of the
outcome of this election, it was pure democracy in action. In many, many other
countries around the world, the combination of the administrative powers of the
incumbent party and the outright support of mass media in favor of that party’s
candidate, would have led to the election of Hillary Clinton. That it didn’t,
without hanging chads or extremely controversial Supreme Court decisions, shows
the power of the system. This election exposed not the failure of our form of
government, but the failure of our ability to understand the divide between the
two sides of the Sierra mountains and Appalachian hills, between metropolitan
areas and the large suburban sprawls and rural areas, between haves and
have-nots. While it’s true that Donald Trump exposed some of the worst in who
we are and what we believe in, he also spoke for many others who feel lost in
this world of increasing globalism and a national discourse defined and led by “cosmopolitan
elites”. For an excellent treatise on this last point, I urge you to read
George Packer’s article appearing in a pre-election edition of
the New Yorker:
. So, while I abhor much of what Donald Trump said, and cannot come to terms
with the beliefs and value systems of the most controversial and extremist segments
of his supporters, I will not fall into the trap of demonizing – or worse yet, of
ignoring – the entire 19% of my fellow citizens who voted for him.
I’ll close with two thoughts: 1) while I believe that Donald
Trump’s election is not as damaging to the domestic path of our nation, I am
incredibly worried about the impact it will have on our foreign policy, which
has far, much darker implications for the world we live in – and this will be
the subject of my next post; 2) If nothing else, we saw the implosion of the
Tea Party: who would you rather have appoint the next two Supreme Court justices
– Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, Mark Rubio or Ted Cruz?
Title is from the R.E.M song of the same name (Album: Document, 1987)